Call of duty 3 zombie maps
Call of duty 3 zombie maps

call of duty 3 zombie maps

The power felt as a player, firing a Storm bow arrow into a group of the undead, spawning a large electric tornado or a Fire bow shot spreading lava everywhere, was exhilarating.ĭer Eisendrache also set a standard for what the Zombie storyline is becoming. Enter the Elemental Bows, reminiscent of the Origins staffs. With the return of the nefarious Panzer Soldat, weapons of higher damage were undoubtedly required. The German castle turned base is gorgeous to survive in. Continuing with our Primis characters from Origins.

#Call of duty 3 zombie maps how to#

It was a tough decision between second and third on this list, but Der Eisendrache is one of the biggest examples of how to begin a DLC season. In my opinion, Origins will forever be looked upon as a testament to the Zombie mode. A masterpiece in map design for Zombies, many spacious and wide areas were present, but at the same time, Treyarch somehow made you feel slow, cramped and insecure frequently.

call of duty 3 zombie maps

As our original four characters returned, only this time a different version: Primis, Origins just didn’t live up to expectations, it smashed them, becoming a pivotal part of the storyline. Origins brought Zombies back to a peak they hadn’t visited for a while. The trenches of World War 1, putting together and wielding four powerful staffs to take down hordes, a new boss zombie known as the Panzer Soldat, towering robotic figures stomping through the battlefield altering the map and yet another Easter Egg quest that was fantastic to take part in.

call of duty 3 zombie maps call of duty 3 zombie maps

Labelled by some as the best Zombie map in the modes history, a classic was born, a statement which I can’t help but agree with. However, with the final zombie maps release, the tides turned. After a somewhat disappointing beginning to Black Ops 2’s DLC season, fans were conflicted. The amount of love and respect I have for these maps is unquestionable, and Origins is no different. 4 – OriginsĪs we start to approach the top three, from Shadows Of Evil onwards, it’s been tough to decide what goes where. Shadows Of Evil set a bar that I personally feel will never be topped, of course, there’s a handful of other iconic maps, but none portray the setting quite like Morg City. Jeff Goldblum, Heather Graham, Ron Perlman and Neal McDonough star as four cursed souls requiring a sacrifice to each escape their hellish predicament. HP Lovecraft inspiration is at the heart of the City’s streets, Shadows Of Evil also includes yet another Celebrity performing cast. Not to mention the addition of further enemies, from mythical “Keepers” to the squid-like three-headed “Margwa”. Straight out of a 1940’s American movie, the vibe is nailed from the get-go. An absolute joy to look at and experience, on early playthroughs I found myself in awe of the bright neon lights and vibrantly lit building interiors. The noir style of Morg City was Treyarch boasting of how far they can take their survival mode. Starting Black Ops 3 off with a huge bang. Whereas I previously mentioned certain maps succeed in how they portray their surroundings, Shadows Of Evil turns that dial to eleven. I like a challenge and Shangri La ticks that box without a doubt. The first innovations in zombie design were also included, the “Napalm” and “Shrieker” variations would either explode or scream to blind the player, which is one of the main parts of the bump in difficulty. Partnered alongside statistically the most powerful Wonder Weapon of all time, the “31-79 JGb215” or to the community simply as the “Baby Gun” would shrink zombies to tiny-sized enemies. Tight design and narrow underground corridors make for an intense battle between the living and dead, frequently keeping you on your toes and not letting you stay still for very long.įurthermore, Shangri-La was also pivotal in the Zombies storyline which Treyarch was expertly conveying with the time-travelling escapades our four heroes were taking part in. Kicking off the list is a map featured in the third DLC package for Call Of Duty: Black Ops 1, renowned as one of the most difficult locales in the modes history, this, in my opinion, is what makes the map stand out even more.

Call of duty 3 zombie maps